Drumboe Lower, Stranorlar | E finnvalleycollege@donegaletb.ie | Phone 074 9131684 | Postcode F93 AE27

World Home Economics Day

This year we celebrated World Home Economics Day on Tues 21st March. The theme this year is Food Literacy and Waste. In class students were reminded of the various ways of being sustainable within their...

World Down Syndrome Day 2023

The aim of the day is to enhance awareness of this disability.  The Wellbeing teachers and SPHE Classes received a presentation on the importance of advocacy, rights and decision making and students partcipated in a...

Career Visits for Students

Our Senior Students enjoyed a visit to ATU Donegal last week to celebrate Engineering Week. Thanks to ATU’s Engineering Department for hosting a fantastic day. The group enjoyed learning about the wonderful career opportunities...

Celebrating Flag Day at FVC

A lovely celebration took place in the hall on Thursday 16th March as students got to enjoy and mark the Thomas Francis Meagher Flag Raising Ceremony. Ms Connolly began the ceremony by welcoming everyone...

Transition Year Update

The Transition Year Students have been busy learning new skills and being introduced to opportunities and people in their community recently. Thanks to the teachers involved who helped organise the activities below. The TY...