ASD Provision in Finn Valley College

ASD Provision in Finn Valley College


Finn Valley College is home to three well established Autism Classrooms. Our classroom Coordinators are Ms Mc Dermott, Ms Connolly and Ms Mc Granaghan. Our students are supported by highly experienced teaching staff and special needs assistants.


A student’s initial insight into Finn Valley College begins with our traditional extensive transition programme commencing in their final year of primary education.


Once enrolled a process of gathering informative information begins, to support students and their families through the journey of secondary school life.


In keeping with our mission statement, Finn Valley College is committed to providing a happy, caring and secure learning environment in which the individual student is enabled to achieve his/her full potential. 


Each classroom is equipped with the necessary resources to support student learning while promoting independence and providing suitable challenges. Students accessing an ASD classroom are furnished with their own individual workspace, personalised schedule, individual education plan and an effective communication system.


We aim to ensure each student gains sufficient access to mainstream classes while enjoying an inclusive experience.


A range of learning programmes are offered:


Junior Cycle: Junior Certificate

Level 1, 2 Priority Learning Units

Senior Cycle: Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

Leaving Certificate Applied

QQI Level 1,2 or 3


Many curriculum enhancing activities are delivered through the ASD department including, swimming, music therapy, sensory movement programmes, cookery, reverse integration programmes and work experience.


Several outside agencies continue to provide their services by visiting the school for example, Speech and Language Therapy, CAHMS, Autism Therapy and Occupational Therapy. 


All students are supervised during break and lunch. Social, sensory and outdoor spaces are available for students to enjoy after dining in the canteen area where dietary restrictions are considered.


An appropriate home-school communication system is established with parents and maintained.  Usually this takes place in the form of a communication diary or email system. 


Throughout the school day many measures are put in place to alleviate student anxieties. For example, allocation of a locker in the asd classroom, reward systems, visual supports, permitted to go for break or lunch early to avoid busy corridors and noise. 


With these and many more measures in place students who have accessed our ASD classrooms have had a positive, successful experience at Finn Valley College. Many of whom have taken up further educational courses in adult settings like LYIT, National Learning Network and New Horizons.
Please click on the link below to  view more information in relation to the ASD classrooms and our school:

                movie ASD Transition Video 2020