Drumboe Lower, Stranorlar | E finnvalleycollege@donegaletb.ie | Phone 074 9131684 | Postcode F93 AE27

December is Attendance Awareness Month in FVC

ATTENTION STUDENTS, PARENTS AND TEACHERS! December is Attendance Awareness month at Finn Valley College.  From Monday there are only 18 days left of school term.  Every student who attends school (on time) each of...

GeoWeek in Finn Valley College

The purpose of GeoWeek is to highlight the importance of geographical knowledge for understanding the world around us and addressing contemporary social, political and environmental issues. 2020 has been a year of unprecedented challenge. Geographers...

Dyspraxia Awareness Week

Happy Dyspraxia Awareness Week. Let’s all work to promote understanding of the effects of Dyspraxia on those around us. 1 in 20 students have Dyspraxia.  The theme for Monday is around Awareness: Try this...

Stand Up Awareness Week

This week (16th – 20th November) was Stand Up Awareness Week. Stand Up Awareness Week is a time for second-level schools and youth services in Ireland to take a stand against homophobic, biphobic and...