Tagged: Business in the Community
Our 2nd Years Business Class enjoyed an exciting and memorable trip to SITA premises as part of the Business in the Community Initiative (BITC). The class was given lots of opportunities to showcase their...
Congratulations to the PLC classes of 2022 who graduated this year with their QQI Level 5 Awards in the areas of Early Childhood Care and Education, Sports Recreation and Exercise and Business Administration. Students...
Ms Murray had the honour of presenting at the #ElevatED event in Google Foundry in Dublin recently, where she had the opportunity to showcase her findings of the many benefits of digital learning to...
Another successful and enjoyable Business in the Community session “wrapped up” in FVC this week. Over the last number of years, our school has had the fortune of liaising with local businesses in helping...
Our 2nd Year Business Class enjoyed a visit to the SITA Branch in Letterkenny this week as part of the World of Work Programme. The students got an opportunity to see its operations and...