Drumboe Lower, Stranorlar | E finnvalleycollege@donegaletb.ie | Phone 074 9131684 | Postcode F93 AE27

QQI Awards Ceremony

Congratulations to the PLC class of 2018/2019 who received their certificates at our annual QQI ceremony.  Guest of Honour, Michael Murphy, spoke of the importance of setting goals and the determination and commitment required...

1st Year Induction

A warm welcome to all our new first year students.  We were delighted to talk to parents and guardians at our meet and greet morning. The group have had lots of fun and learning...

Reviewed Child Safeguarding Statement

The school reviewed its Child Safeguarding and Written Risk Assessments on 20th November 2018. The three documents relating to this can be viewed below. The review is part of a requirement by the Department...

New Child Safeguarding Statement

Our school has updated our Child Protection measures in line with the newly enacted sections of the Children First Act 2015. The school has put in place a Child Safeguarding Statement to protect children....