Drumboe Lower, Stranorlar | E finnvalleycollege@donegaletb.ie | Phone 074 9131684 | Postcode F93 AE27

Raising of the Amber Flag

What is the Amber Flag? The Pieta Amber Flag initiative enables schools and youth groups across the country to raise awareness of the stigmas which exist and the stressors on the mental and emotional...

Geography Fieldtrip

On the 17th May our 4th Year Geography class completed their L. Cert Geography Fieldtrip. Below is a short account by Bríd Donaghey reflecting on her enjoyment of the day and her learning. “We...

Art Trip to the Glebe Gallery

On Monday 16th May our Lunchtime Art Club students and their teacher Ms Molloy visited the Glebe Gallery and House in Churchill. Below is a short article written by 2nd Year student Leanne Mc...

Kind Donation to FVC

A warm thank you to the All Seasons Charity Shop who kindly donated €1,000 to our Autism classroom. Mr Thompson, together with Ms K Mc Granaghan (co-ordinator) and students (John Gregg and Leanne Mc...