New Year Return to School – Key Dates

Wishing all our students, families, staff and the Finn Valley College community a very happy and peaceful New Year.

We are looking forward to welcoming everyone on Monday 8th January. Our new Principal Mr Séan Mc Fadden will formally address all students in the morning and outline goals for this term.

The focus for the coming weeks will be on Attendance, Respect, Use of the School Diary, Punctuality and Uniform. We encourage students to take time over the weekend to get prepared and organised to ensure their return to school is a positive experience.

All students will be issued with a Studyclix code next week with the cost covered by the school to support our students learning. We encourage all students to use this valuable study educational tool.

Key Dates:

Thursday 18th January Parent Teacher Meeting for T.Y. 5th and 6th Years

Thursday 1st February Mock Examinations for 3rd and 6th Years begin

Monday 5th February Bank Holiday school closed

Monday 12th – Fri 16th February Midterm Break

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