Open Day and Night for Incoming 1st Years

Finn Valley College welcomes you the students and community of prospective 1st years to visit our school building on Thursday 9th November 2023.

All 6th Class students will have the opportunity to visit our facilities, connect with students and staff and get a taste of the curriculum that is on offer at FVC.
On the evening of Tuesday the 14th November, we look forward to hosting students and parents/guardians at our Open Night from 6.00pm. On this evening, everyone will have the chance to explore the college and there will be regular tours from 6.15 pm to give a flavour of what it is like to be a student at FVC. At 6.45 there will be an informative talk to explain the programmes, extra curricular activities and supports available to your child. Refreshments will be provided on arrival.
Looking forward to meeting with you on the day and night.