Green Schools Committee Update

“We had an informative and fun trip to Bryson recycling on Thursday where we learnt many tips on reducing and recycling waste. In particular we learnt about the different types of plastic and about the Initiatives that are run to encourage people to recycle. We got some good ideas about having a litter clean up next week in school. We think that students still need lots of information about how to recycle correctly, but everyone is making a really good effort. Thanks to Connie for making us so welcome and all the tips on encouraging us to keep promoting recycling at home and at school.” Jay and Ryan

“The second part of the trip was really fun as we got to visit Ballaghderg Garden Centre, where Agnes told us all about the benefits of having a school polytunnel. This is something we would really love to have in the school in the future. It would be so much fun to learn about growing plants and foods in an effort to being more sustainable”. Leisha #DonegalETB

May Day for Sustainability 2023 was celebrated in school with lots of classes getting involved in activities to mark the date~ This year schools were encouraged to participate in the ‘Metre of Meadow’ campaign. The Green Schools Committee, TY class and ASD students gathered a spot in different locations on the school grounds. Over a number of weeks the Caretaker was told to ‘let it go’. There was no need to plant wildflowers or adjust the soil, just let natural biodiversity takes its course. Below are some photos of students tracking the changes with photos of what they found – insects, plants and how much the grass grew
#mayday2023 #take1programme #donegaletb

Thanks to Ms Mc Granaghan for her work in facilitating the Committee and to Caretaker Ciaran O Neill for their support with this fun activity.