Ethos Week in FVC

Ethos is how we live, work and relate to each other in our school community. While it encompasses the curriculum and how it is taught, ethos is broader than this. It also relates to shared core values, to the hidden curriculum, to decision making processes and to the relationships that underpin the daily life of school.
As we celebrate #ETBEthos Week in Finn Valley College, the school has participated in lots of activities to showcase how students, staff and the whole community encompass the core values of care, excellence in education, equality, community and respect.

Well done to everyone who got involved in celebrating the core values and highlighting the wonderful opportunities that our school has to offer. Special thanks to the Ethos Leadership Team (ELT) who work to ensure that ethos if fully integrated to help create a sense of belonging and opportunities for success in FVC.
Below is a selection of photos from the week capturing how the values are central to daily life in our school. They represent how the values are promoted and delivered in the school through the formal and hidden curriculum and the relationships within the school and the wider community.
Students participated in lots of activities during the week such as giving random acts of kindness cards and appreciation cards to friends and staff. In CSPE, students had a walking debate, in Irish the core values were translated into Gaelic, in ICT students made kindness cards. Home Economics students had fun decorating cupcakes, making friendship bracelets and TY had a cultural cookery class. Our HSCL teacher Ms Mc Geehan organised an informative talk for parents which was facilitated by Bill Vaughan. While PLC Sports students benefited from a nature walk promoting the theme of the community.
Staff had a fun tea party on Friday, while students were treated to a cooked breakfast to mark the week and commend everyone for getting involved in marking the wonderful week of celebrations.