Farm safety trip
Twelve senior students took part in an Agri-Aware farm safety day recently

'The Four Macs' team receive their prize from Mr Art Mc Grath Teagasc and Mr Garvan Connolly DLDC. Also included are farm owners Mr and Mrs Mc Knight.
This farm safety awareness day was arranged as a joint initiative between Teagasc and the Donegal Local Development Committee. Twelve of our agriculturally minded senior students joined a similar group from the Royal and Prior school in Raphoe at the farm of Mr Alfie Mc Knight in Glenmaquin, outside Convoy. Mr Mc Knight’s farm is a particularly interesting farm in that contained a herd of over 300 goats. The goats supplied milk and goat’s cheese to the local dairy in Convoy.
As part of the task the lads were given the run of the farm armed with a safety booklet and had to fill out any health and safety issues that they came across. Four of the FVC lads Thomas Mc Elchar, Dermot Mc Elchar, Micheal Mc Elchar and Shaun Mc Guire came second and won a €75 book voucher for the school, so well done lads.
Thanks are due to Mr Art Mc Grath of Teagasc and Mr Garvan Connolly of DLDC for organising this worthwhile outing, and of course to Mr and Mrs Mc Knight for the use of their farm.