Drumboe Lower, Stranorlar | E finnvalleycollege@donegaletb.ie | Phone 074 9131684 | Postcode F93 AE27

Getting in the mood for Christmas

The staff and students of FVC are busy getting in the mood for Christmas.  From bringing the theme of Christmas into their classes making decorations, baking goodies to learning about the history of Christmas...

3rd Year Full Attendance

Well done to our 3rd Year Students who have been doing great at attending. Particular mention to the students below who have full attendance to date.  Well done to you all and good luck...

Donegal Youth Council Elections

Best wishes to Danielle Flaherty and Shauna Gallagher who are running for the Donegal Youth Council Elections 2020-2022.  Students in all year groups have been asked to ensure that they cast their vote by...

Attendance Matters

To date there are 175 students who have full attendance since the beginning of December. Well done to each of you. Keep coming to school to remain in the draw! There’s a great prize...

1st Year Workshop

Our first year students are unique in many ways however each first year student in the country shares an international experience; leaving Primary School without ever having really finished.  Although both primary and second...