Author: Claire McGranaghan

Internet Safety Day 2021

What is Safer Internet Day? Safer Internet Day (SID) is an EU wide initiative to promote a safer internet for all users, especially young people. It is promoted in Ireland by the PDST Technology in...

Online Learning

Following the decision by the government not to proceed with face to face teaching for students, the school now wish to advise the following. All students will receive online tuition from Monday 11th January....

Awarding Attendance

Our Home School Liaison Officer, Ms Ward would like to wish all the students and their families a very Happy Christmas. December was Attendance Awareness month and well done to all students who put...

Getting in the mood for Christmas

The staff and students of FVC are busy getting in the mood for Christmas.  From bringing the theme of Christmas into their classes making decorations, baking goodies to learning about the history of Christmas...

3rd Year Full Attendance

Well done to our 3rd Year Students who have been doing great at attending. Particular mention to the students below who have full attendance to date.  Well done to you all and good luck...