The aim of Finn Valley College Art Department is to develop imagination, creativity, independence and resourcefulness in our pupils through the teaching and learning of a wide variety of practical and academic skills in the area of art, craft and design and the history and appreciation of art. Ms Molloy (Art Teacher) ensures our pupils have access to a range of media and there are unlimited opportunities to discover their potential in this subject.
We aim to foster a lifelong appreciation of art and visual culture through practical art making and creativity and also through the study of art history. Pupils are encouraged to visit galleries, museums and develop an awareness and enjoyment of the visual world around them. Click on the picture below to read about their recent visit to Dublin.
Art Trip
Finn Valley College Art Teachers Ms Molloy & Ms Quigley have created a new Department Award to celebrate excellence in Art, this is to recognise outstanding creativity & talent. We would love to give everyone a prize but each teacher picked one student from their 1st year Classes. This award for 1st years, is to encourage and support as well as allow the students to unleash their creativity.
Both teachers presented Art Bouquets full of wonderful art materials to 1st year art students Mia Olahova Brennan class Montague and Valentyna Yavniuk class McGahern.
The two students created very original and creative book covers of a such a high standard, their passion for art is clear to be seen as well as their critical thinking and problem solving skills, “ Junior Cycle Visual Art allows for Creative Choice” stated Ms Molloy and this is something we would like to celebrate. Both girls are regulars in lunch time Art Club & always experimenting….
“Creativity is inventing, it’s innovating, it’s making the right choices, making original choices, solving problems, it’s dreaming and imagining, playing and being absurd”.
Paul Carney

Resources for Students
Check out our Art Padlet:
Check out Senior Cycle Learning Assessment: file:///C:/Users/STUDENT.BTEI-LENLAP2212/Downloads/LEARNING%20THE%20ASSESSMENT%20CRITERIA.pdf
Information leaflet:
Senior Cycle Art Coursework Guidelines:
Check out the video below of our students being creative in the Art Room.