Student of the Term Awards

As the first term of this year came to closure, it was time for the students in each year to be awarded for the Student of the Term. This award is given by staff to commend those who have excelled in many aspects of school life this term. It encompasses their dedication to fulfilling and living out the school ethos of FVC on a daily basis. Well done to all the deserved students.

Yearhead Ms Molloy congratulated the following FIRST YEARS: Class Montague: Cora Lafferty, Class Mc Gill: Grace Gillespie ,Class Mc Gahern: Hannah Sweeney Murray, Class Mc Court: Eoin Manganese

Yearhead Ms Mc Dermott with class teachers and winners Mia Mc Clelland, Christina Khumalo, Maddison Cannon, Shaun Kelly

Third Year Winners being presented with their certificates by class teachers and Year head Ms Clarke. Well done to Daniel Mc Clean, Grace Mc Govern, Mia Shiels.

5th Year Winners being presented by Class teachers and Year head Ms Mc Granaghan. Congratulations to Katelyn Mc Nulty, Viktoria Kolesnyk, Kylie Gallinagh, Brooke Stewart.
Yearhead Mr Byrne congratulated the L.Cert student of the terms awards. Pictured is Class Kavanagh winner Amber Gallagher Gallen. Class Kinsella winner Cameron Russell. Class Wilde Shelton Khumalo