Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Team Hope’s Christmas Shoebox Appeal is an annual campaign that delivers gifts straight into the hands of children affected by poverty. Often these shoebox gifts are the only gift that a child will receive at Christmas and the joy that they bring is incredible. Since 2010, with your help, Team Hope have delivered over 2.1 million Shoebox gifts to Vulnerable Children across the world.
The 1st Year CSPE classes under the guidance of their teachers would like to thank everyone for helping make a difference in the lives of children affected by poverty by sending them a gift. They were delighted that so many came on board to support their project and were so proud that FVC could send so many gifts this year.
All the students had a job to do to help promote and pack the boxes, under the guidance of Ms Mc Granaghan and the CSPE teachers. Below are some images of the students sorting the boxes and a photo of Amera Patton and Emma Mc Cafferty putting up posters to advertise the campaign a few weeks ago. Well done to all our 1st Year Classes on organising such a caring act to help others.
For more information visit