Science Week in Finn Valley College

Science Week in Finn Valley College 2020

Students this week enjoyed lots of fun and exciting activities within Science and through co-curricular activities across numerous subjects as part of a cross-curricular initiative.

The core theme for Science Week 2020 is ‘Science Week – Choosing our Future’ focusing on how science can improve our lives in the future, and in the present. Students had the opportunities to explore how science can help us to make positive choices that will impact the environment, our health, and our quality of life.

In History, students learnt about the Space Race as a surrogate for the Cold War

In Home Economics, students learnt about food on long term space missions:

In Business, check out the links to learn about Asteroid Mining, a trillion Euro industry – Also,
Luxembourg as a case study for building a new industry – Space Business
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Irish: Students designed their own Flashcards for science terms –

In Science class itself, the students had great fun problem solving an array of experiments as can be seen in the photos below:

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Leaving Cert Agricultural Science Students also presented their career investigations which looked at their future opportunities in the world of work. Check out their videos on our Finn Valley College school Facebook and on Instagram.

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