Creative Engagement Project 2024

Donegal Tapestry Weaver Colm Sweeney visited our school as part of the Creative Engagement Initiative to guide transition year students through a weaving project. Students learned about the traditional art of hand weaving with Colm’s expertise and guidance. This included learning to use drop spindles to create their own wool for weaving, learning how wool is dyed, setting up their own looms and creating their own designs. Thanks to Colm, students gained knowledge in the practical application of the craft and possible career opportunities within Donegal. It was great for students to see the process from start to finish of making a tapestry and the links between painting and weaving. The Art of storytelling was highlighted and how weaving can be used as a conduit for community and togetherness. Weaving is a part of Donegal heritage and is becoming more popular with people making more sustainable clothing choices.It is lovely to see young people learning a skill that has been part of our heritage in Donegal for centuries.

Special thanks to the NAPD Creative Engagement grant for making this possible and to Artist Colm Sweeney for making this a very informative and enjoyable experience for all involved. Link to short video of the workshop.

Link to short video of the workshop.. 

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