SITA Wrap Up Session in FVC

Another successful and enjoyable Business in the Community session “wrapped up” in FVC this week. Over the last number of years, our school has had the fortune of liaising with local businesses in helping our students gain knowledge and an understanding of the world of work.

Ms Clarke, our link teacher would like to thank SITA and all those involved this year in making the experience such a valuable, fun and memorable opportunity for our second year Business Studies students.

On their final day, the students displayed their skills that they had developed working with Circus Skills representatives Brent and Luke and SITA employees Courtney and Dylan. Over the last number of weeks, the students have been working on their communication skills, learning the value of teamwork and management skills. These are all talents that are important in modern day working environments and integral to our students future career opportunities.

Thanks to Ms Clarks and Sadie Kelly ( SCP Co-ordinator) for their assistance in organising the BITC initiative in our school which is such a worthwhile programme.

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