Prioritising Wellbeing in FVC in 2025

Finn Valley College Student Well-being Team are delighted with their new wellbeing committee badges, which highlights & recognises their responsibility within our school. Our team of students are very proud to wear them !! They enjoy being involved in the wellbeing affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students.
The student committee recently appointed a Chairperson: AJ Breen, 5th year and Secretary: Sophie Thomas, 5th year. Ms Molloy, Welllbeing coordinator stated that It is fantastic to see, and congratulated both students on their new appointment, this is an amazing opportunity for students to develop their leadership skills, these ladies have steered initiatives since their appointment by playing an active role in creating a weekly wellbeing messages, gave a self care presentation at the 5th year assembly and the team are currently looking at reviewing the code of behaviour etc
This proactive approach will ensure that the voice of our students is heard in planning going forward, creating positive change within our school community.