Celebrating Earth Day 2024

EARTH DAY is celebrated around the world with a beautiful message
Our continuing efforts in our everyday lives will make this beautiful planet thrive.”
Earth Day is proof that even one person can make a global impact in a positive way.
Echoing and supporting this years theme, Finn Valley College students and staff celebrated “The Earth Day” through a series of activities on 22nd April 2024.
Students took part in class activities from presentations, debate cards and artwork to raise awareness of the topic.
Our ASD classes observed, explored and appreciated the diverse wonder of nature on our doorstep in Drumboe Woods. Our TY students took part in a clean up day.

Our Green School Committee welcomed members from the Ballybofey and Stranorlar Tidy Towns and the Men’s Shed to highlight and educate the team on their fantastic role in our community. This discussion proved beneficial in helping the team realise the valuable work they are doing in the school to date and also plan for future projects that contribute to being sustainable and protecting our earth.

Thanks to Ms K Mc Granaghan for her promotion of Earth Day and well done to our Green School Committee and all our students and staff for taking part in this day.
For more information: https://www.earthday.org/