Student of the Term

Congratulations to the “Students of the Term”, pictured below with their certificates and gift. Well done for being deserved winners showing commitment to their learning and the school environment.

Year Head Ms Molloy explained at their recent assembly that this was a very positive & busy term for the 1st years, highlighting the importance of continuing the Respectful Behaviour, Being Responsible and Being Ready. This term they had a visit & met some Finn Harps players, Class Mc Gill won best attendance, 1st Year boys had a great match against Crana College. Class McCourt won the whole school Seachtain na Gaelge door design competition.
The focus of the Assemblies this term was to continue building on our school ethos and expectations. As always at this time of year, examinations and study tips was at the core of this terms theme. We encourage our students to use the Studyclix app and use their study plans to help focus and support them as they prepare for the forthcoming State or In-house examinations.