5th Year Trip to ATU Killybegs

5th Year students enjoyed a lovely day out to Donegal ATU Killybegs Campus on Thursday 22nd to explore the wonderful facilities and numerous courses offered in the area of Culinary Skills and Hospitality.
The group participated in a number of activities from pizza making, cocktail making, hotel management, table setting/etiquette and sugar craft. They also learned about the exciting career opportunities that can be accessed after completing further studies in this area.
Sincere thanks to Ms Victoria Wilson and all the staff at ATU – Killybegs for a memorable day – where the motto of “if you believe, you can achieve” definitely inspired our students. Ms Mc Granaghan would like to thank Mr Mc Fadden and Ms Boland for supporting the trip. It was a fun packed day where students enjoyed participating in a variety of activities that gave an insight into the wonderful opportunities and diverse career opportunities for students studying Home Economics.
Learning about all the behind the scenes that takes place in a restaurant and what’s involved was fascinating.

I learned how to make the fondant piggy which was a creative and fun activity. We had so much fun making the delicious pizza. We also liked how welcoming and helpful the staff were at ATU.
Gertrude & Sofiia
I enjoyed learning about the serving etiquette and to be mannerly and polite when serving guests.

For more information on the courses on offer in Killybegs click on this link: https://www.atu.ie/about-atu/campus-locations/atu-donegal-killybegs