Extending the learning environment beyond the classroom

Extending the learning environment beyond the classroom, is a key element of our TY programme in Finn Valley College. We are very grateful to have such a fantastic Multidisciplinary Art centre on our door step, to allow for such a rich learning experience, Art teacher Ms Molloy noted.
FOREVER GREEN is the theme for the TY group this year & Ian Gordon’s exhibition “SEASONS” of beautiful pleine air paintings of beautiful Donegal certainly gave the students a visual representation of just that!
Quotes from some of the students as they reflected on their the Art Trip to the Regional Cultural Centre, Letterkenny, Co.Donegal below.
“I enjoyed the trip as it was good to see how different people express themselves”
“It has inspired me to create my own drawings and show them to the world”

“The artwork made me feel happy and relaxed”

“The trip has inspired me to create outdoor paintings just like the artist”
“The inspiration it gives me increases my drive to learn more about the history of the artistic world”