Awesome Autumn Attendance Initiative in FVC

October saw the launch of our Awesome Autumn Attendance Initiative where Junior students are being motivated and rewarded for making an effort to attend school and do their best. Over the next 4 weeks, classes will be treated to fun activities in recognition for their efforts with the overall prize of a trip to Cool Creameries for the winning class. One student will have the opportunity of becoming the FVC Attendance Hero and winning a Chromebook. The initiative is being facilitated by Ms Mc Geehan (HSCL) and our DEIS Attendance Team led by Ms C Mc Granaghan. Thanks to talented second year, Abi Cassidy who designed our Attendance Hero FVC poster, encouraging everyone to be “Here, Everyday, Ready and On time”. #doyourbest.
Winner of Our Attendance Hero Initiative
We were delighted to have our draw for our full attendance for the last 4 weeks. Well done to all the students who had made such a fantastic effort. The winner was 3rd Year Nicole Lafferty from class Binchy who was presented with a chromebook. Below are some pictures with Prinicpal Mr Thompson and Ciara Mc Ginty from the Student Council presenting her with her prize.

Weekly Update
The winners of the first week were class O Casey, who were deserving of a homework pass to use in a class of their choice. Pictured below is Ms Mc Granaghan (Attendance Team Leader) with the group commending them for their motivation.

Week Two saw the First Year O Connor class win, as they had made a great effort all week. They were treated to a “cuppa and a chillout” class in the Home Economics Room. The students enjoyed listening to music and getting to talk to each other.

Week 3 Winners
We had a lovely morning treating class O’Faolain who were winners of Week 3 of the Autumn Attendance Drive. Well done to all the group for making the effort to be on time and ready for school everyday. Great work by all. This week’s treats were hot chocolate and some game time.

Overall Winners for Best Attendance over the 4 weeks were class O Connor who deservedly enjoyed a trip to Cool Creamery for delicious sundaes and hot chocolate.