World Home Economics Day 2021

Each 21 March, IFHE members worldwide celebrate World Home Economics Day to promote family and consumer issues and to highlight the importance of education in the responsible use of resources to achieve a sustainable living for all.

Populations around the world are rapidly ageing so it is important that our Home Economics students eat healthy and live an active and happy lifestyle to enhance their future wellbeing. Students have designed posters in relation to being healthy and learnt how to plan healthy meals for different stages of people in the lifecycle.

With this in mind Ms Butler and Ms Mc Granaghan put together a little book full of recipes that our students have made this year.  The oak tree on the front cover of the book symbolizes the students growing from acorns into mighty oaks as they study the various aspects of the subject. They have included photographs displaying students creativity in the areas of textiles and crafts.  The focus of their learning was on sustainability in textiles and recycling fabrics. They also learned how relaxing and beneficial a hobby sewing can be for all age groups. Traditional crafts being passed on from one generation to the next is a lovely way of remembering our culture and values.

Both teachers would like to commend all the hard work that our students have been doing online also.

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Check out the book here




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