
The course in CSPE (Civic, Social, Political and Education) aims to inform, inspire and empower students to become better citizens in society.

The short course in CSPE contributes to the wellbeing programme within junior cycle as it enables students to grow in awareness of how their wellbeing is connected to the wellbeing of others, locally and globally. It also develops students’ sense of responsibility in society.

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Students have been actively learning about the core concepts of CSPE and were busy fundraising for charity and becoming aware of people who are less fortunate at Christmas.  The first years organised a non uniform today and collected money to gift online shoeboxes to children abroad in conjunction with Team Hope.  Well done to all involved.


The first year Binchy class completed a CSPE project on rights and responsibilities with their teacher Mr Godliman. For this project they focused on the difficulties encountered by those who use wheelchairs.  Erin Harold, a 4th year student visited the class to speak to the class to highlight the obstacles that she encounters in school from moving around desks, chairs and when schoolbags are put down. Erin left the class with a simple but powerful message

“Treat everyone with kindness, just how you would like to be treated yourself”. 



Some useful information:





Check out the video below, showcasing our students being active citizens and making a difference.