Weekly Updates 10/02/25

Notices & Reminders
- LCVP Work Experience (5th Years) continues throughout the week. We hope that this week will be a wonderful opportunity to learn about the world of work and prepare them for their future fields of study.
- Mock Examinations for 3rd & 6th Years are ongoing – a big thank you to all involved in supervision and exam preparation. Continued good wishes to our exam groups – remember that supports are there if needed and to keep striving towards your best.
- Internet safety awareness week activities outlined in the weekly wellbeing message
- Evening Study sessions continue on Monday & Tuesday – we encourage students to utilise this opportunity for structured study support.

Weekly Wellbeing Message
10th – 17th February 2025
Webwise 2025 theme: Prepare, Protect & Thrive
This week our focus is to encourage our students to be responsible when online. Reinforcing our school ethos core values of Care & Respect.
We hope that running this week will raise awareness about Internet Safety in our whole school community. We have created a week filled with activities that will provide information, support while also promoting healthy and creative uses of technology to equip our students to thrive in the evolving digital world that we live in today.
Support for Parents ? The aim of this webinar for parents is to raise awareness of the new rules that are in place to help protect children, and to create a safer online space for them.
Link to Register: https://oide-ie.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VcHklNpcSy-p6Pcfoj3O3A#/registration